Protection against electric shock, or fault protection – these terms refer to those technical measures that prevent electric shock when touching parts that are originally not under voltage but, could become hazardous if they come under dangerous voltage, generally due to possible malfunctions.
The technical safety requirements for fault protection are determined by the European standards. The protection against electric shock of low-voltage equipments and systems is regulated by the MSZ HD 60364-4-41 standard.
The requirements of fault protection or protection against electric shock for high-voltage equipments are summarized by the MSZ EN 50522 standard.
Apart from these, there have been numerous supplementary standards and standard series in force, ever since 2011.
Only those, with the qualification of an “Electrical safety compliance inspector” are authorized to perform the inspections. Our company provides this certain required qualification.
In Hungary, the operators of industrial, agricultural, commercial, transportation, and cultural facilities, who are mostly economic companies, or other legal entities, bear material and criminal liability for eliminating life-threatening errors.
In order to avoid these situations, feel safe to rely on our employees with the appropriate level of expertise and experience to perform fault protection inspections at the intervals required by the rules, and issue reports on these inspections.